Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Been Gone So long - Back for Fall Shearing

I have been completely immersed in traveling, business, family, and fiber.  Shearing season picked up for about 2 weeks in October.  September consisted of 10 days in Seattle, 10 days in Washington D.C., and 6 days in Las Vegas.  The traveling was tiring but was a great get away from all that is going on at home.  October shearing has been perfect...not too busy but busy enough to give me a little refresher before another 4 months goes by before I handle another sheep.  It always takes a couple to get back into the groove, funny how that is.

Over the past couple months I have been to Prescott, Tuscon, Phoenix, and Fallbrook CA.  I have mostly sheared Angora goats and trimmed alpaca teeth.  Trimming alpaca teeth at the wonderful Peacful Prarie Alpaca ranch in Prescott Valley AZ was great.  I was also at WeatherTop Alpaca Ranch doing the same thing.  Over 40 alpaca teeth were trimmed that day, all are well and healthy!

 What a view! and A beautiful day!

 Lining Up!!

Such a beautiful day.  Some new friends were visiting to get a feel about what alpaca ranching was all about.  I hope to see them in the spring...

Goat shearing went very well this year.  Still not my favorite animal to shear just because of their extra-ordinary flexibility and not wanting to sit still for much (not like a sheep). And the amount of fiber!!! so much fiber!!! angora goats have fiber everywhere, armpits, legs, ears, horns, my goodness...Except for the cute little ones like mouse that everyone just melts over!
Little mouse falling asleep in my lap 

 Shearing a buck with the help of my dad, keeping those horns at bay.

What a nice Buck - A bit Stinky too 

Ok Just as I think the last couple of entries have said is to get busy on some spinning.  I have finished a bit of fiber work but just have not posted.  Stay tuned so I can show off some finished projects.

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